Last Updated 19/01/2022
Axie Infinity is an online metaverse turn-based game. Sky Mavis, a Vietnamese software company, began development in March ’18 and released the NFT game in December 2019. The platform enables players to digitally fight their NFTs (Axies) against each other.
Players can also breed new NFTs. It is a cocktail of Pokemon, Diablo and World of Warcraft, dusted with a nostalgic sprinkle of Tamagotchi gameplay. In addition, there are exchange markets where you can trade the governance and love potion tokens.
Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) are ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum (ETH) Protocol.

Axie Infinity (AXS)
Axie Infinity Gameplay
You have 3 main features with Axie Infinity. Namely fighting, breeding or owning. You can take part in some or all of it. It even has a Scholar program where one person invests in buying the Axie and another plays the game using the Axie. They then share the profits.
Axies join up in teams of three. They battle out a turn-based card game. The main goal is to eliminate your enemies(other Axies). Then, with every turn, each player must think strategically. Consequently, they have to play cards that improve their chances of winning.
Like Tamagotchi pets, Axies are digital versions of real-life pets. This means that you can also breed Axies. That’s right, you can create a new Axie by breeding two Axies that you already own or control. You can only breed an Axie 7 times.
Axies have different attributes, all with differing degrees of rarity. This makes some Axies more equal than others. Therefore some are more valuable than others. Simply owning an Axie is part of the game. The more profitable ownership role you can play is that of a landowner.
Lunacia is the fictional(technically it is real) Kingdom of the Axie Infinity metaverse. Like real-world property, you can also earn from owning a plot in Lunacia.
What makes Axie different?
Nothing in particular. Rather it is one of the first projects to offer a complete eco-system. It also managed to get attention from mainstream media at exactly the right moment in time. Furthermore, it has a loyal community, able to capitalise on the opportunity post the ICO mania of 2017/2018.
The Axie Infinity ecosystem consists of the product, assets, marketplace, investors, consumers and community. Consequently, this makes it one of the most popular NFT projects and the highest-earning NFT collection to date.
How Can You Profit from NFTs Like Axie?
- Wage War.
- Sell Axies at a profit.
- Breed and sell Axies.
- Sell Love Potions(tradeable token required to breed) on Decentralised exchanges.
- Provide Liquidity to exchange markets by joining a liquidity pool.
- Earn resources from owning a plot of land in Lunacia.
Read our full Axie Infinity Review 2022 here.
However, if you decide to get involved, you can lose some or all of your investment in any crypto project. You should never invest more than you are prepared to lose.
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