
g999 pyramid marketing through gs partners

G999 is the brainchild of Josip Heit (née Curcic). Furthermore, it is the native token for the Gold Standard Bank (GSB) Blockchain. The Gold Standard Bank Blockchain itself is a fork (modified copy) of PIVX. The Gold Standard Bank is not a bank as they do not have a banking license. Gold Standard Partners (GSP) […]

Axie Infinity

July 3, 2020 Learn
axie infinity featured image

    Axie Infinity is an online metaverse turn-based game. Sky Mavis, a Vietnamese software company, began development in March ’18 and released the NFT game in December 2019. The platform enables players to digitally fight their NFTs (Axies) against each other. Players can also breed new NFTs. It is a cocktail of Pokemon, Diablo […]

BTCPay Server

February 11, 2020 Learn
btcpay server featured image of a cashier taking payment

  BTCPay Server is an open-source platform that allows anyone to receive bitcoin payments directly to a wallet they control. Additionally, it also supports Lightning Payments as well as a limited set of altcoins. It is basically a POS (point of sale) and Merchant Processing Service all baked into one.   BTCPay Server Lets You […]

Proof of Keys

January 3, 2020 Learn, Opinions

Proof of Keys is the Birthday celebration for the blockchain and the freedom it brings. The bitcoin blockchain roared to life more than a decade ago on 3 January 2009. Today marks the official birthday of the bitcoin blockchain which many users around the world celebrate by participating in the Proof of Keys movement. As […]

bitcoin mining featured image

The modern Gold Rush is Bitcoin BTC mining. It does not involve pickaxes or pans though. We are not looking for actual nuggets of gold. Bitcoin mining is about trying to obtain digital gold. Bitcoin mining involves using high-power computers to solve insanely complex maths problems. Like gold prospecting, there is a huge amount of […]

security tokens explained

Before I explain Security Tokens, let us have a look at what has been happening recently for Crypto. The price of every cryptocurrency has been experiencing a roller coaster like ride over the last two years. Bitcoin had a high of nearly $20,000 in 2017  (R300 000) before a plummet during 2018 but has rallied […]

sim swap fraud

Cryptocurrency scams and digital crime have been trending in the spotlight these past few months. Be that as it may, SIM Swapping has been ‘missing’ in a sense according to a number of reports on 2018. Two cryptocurrency analytics companies Chainalysis and CipherTrace released two different reports in 2018. The data focus mainly on major […]

bitcoin difficulty adjustment featured image of a man scratching his head with math problem

  The extended bear market throughout 2018 has placed a lot of financial stress on miners of bitcoin. Considering this, it is essential to look at bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment. This plays a vital role in the economics of the legendary cryptocurrency. The bitcoin difficulty adjustment is a major feature of Bitcoin itself. The following article […]